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School and District Policies




1.         Students may not leave the school grounds during the school day unless they have a note from a parent or guardian and/or permission from a teacher.


2.         On ‘IN’ days, pupils are expected to remain in their classrooms at recess and behave in an acceptable manner in accordance with the school’s code of conduct. 


3.         Students are not to ride their bikes, scooters, skateboards or roller blades on the school grounds during the school week between the hours of 8:15 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.           


4.         The following areas are ‘OUT OF BOUNDS’ to students:

-                                  Main Parking Lot


5.         Throwing snow is not allowed on school grounds.

6.         Suspension may result from:

-           fighting with intent to injure.

-           throwing objects with intent to injure others.

-           involvement with drugs or alcohol during school hours

                        or at a school function.

-           going on the roof of the school at any time. 

-           using profane language.

-           bullying / disrespectful behavior.






  • Please be reminded to avoid parking in the bus zone when picking up or dropping off your children at school. 
  • Kindergarten children should be picked up outside the main doors at the east side of the school.
  • Please remember to obey the speed limit in the school zone. 
  • Maquinna Elementary is an “Idle Free Zone”.



To gain the most from their educational experiences students must attend regularly.  Please provide a note if your child has been absent. 



Each teacher has developed a code of behavior that will contribute to a positive learning environment. Each classroom code of behavior is aligned with the school code of conduct. This code of behavior will be communicated to and/or discussed with the students in the first weeks of operation of the school.  Please discuss the expected behavior with your son and/or daughter and feel free to contact your teacher at any time.  Refer to the student planner often throughout the year to review school policy and expectations.



If a student becomes involved with drugs or alcohol during school hours or at a school function, that student will be suspended from school pursuant to the School Board Policy outlined below:


“The Board of School Trustees will not condone any involvement with illegal drugs or the illegal use of drugs or alcohol by pupils during school hours or at any school functions that take place inside or outside of the district’s geographical boundaries.


It is the policy of the Board of School Trustees that if the Board is satisfied that a pupil was willfully involved with illegal drugs or alcohol, that pupil may be suspended for five school days.   Subsequent involvement by that pupil in the use of drugs or alcohol at a school function shall result in a suspension of greater than five days.”



On occasion, a student may need to leave school prior to regular morning or afternoon dismissal time.  If a student is to leave early, please send a note stating the time and reason for the request.  The student is to wait at the main office and an adult signs them out.



In addition to regular fire drills, teachers and students discuss and practice Earthquake procedures.  In the event of a disaster, it is important that parents note the following:


a)         No pupils will be dismissed from school unless a parent or designate comes for him/her.  Please keep the school informed of any changes in emergency contact with updated telephone numbers.

b)         Phone calls to the school are discouraged.  We need to maintain open phone lines for emergency use.

c)         Do not immediately drive to school so that streets may be available

            for emergency vehicles.

d)         Stay tuned to the local radio station to obtain emergency information

            and directions.



If a student becomes ill the parent will be contacted so the pupil can be taken home.  If both parents are unavailable, a call will be made to the emergency contact person.  Please make sure school records are up to date with contact name and phone number.



Late students are to sign in at the main office.



A Lost and Found container is maintained in the school.  Periodically there will be a general display of items for pupils to check.  Parents are welcome to visit the school at any time to check for lost items.


Three times a year, - Christmas, March and June, after these items have been displayed and not claimed, they will be delivered to a local charity.


To help prevent items from becoming lost, we would request that all items be clearly marked with the pupil’s name.



The Parents’ Auxiliary Committee is an integral part of the school and all parents are encouraged to become involved.  If you wish information on the Auxiliary, please contact the principal.


Ways to become involved: 


·         PAC Membership

·         Library Helper

·         Food Helper

·         Field Trips

·         Classroom Helper

·         Transporting sports team members


All parent help is gratefully received.      



Teachers at Maquinna School will report pupil progress to parents at least five times each school year.  Two written reports will be issued (January, and the end of June).   Teachers will report to parents informally on at least three other occasions throughout the year through telephone calls, anecdotal notes, formal and informal conferences, etc.



The Board of School Trustees has established a policy of suspending any student from school for five days if they are detected on a school roof, at anytime, without the expressed permission of the principal.


This position has been taken to, firstly, protect the children from an obvious hazard and, secondly, to protect school district property from further damage.  It is not our intention to suspend students, but if students do not heed this warning to remain off school roofs, they can expect to see this policy applied consistently.



Students are not allowed to be in possession of cigarettes or to smoke on school premises or at any school sponsored function.   Adults are not allowed to smoke on school property.  If students become involved in smoking, parents will be notified.  Further occurrences may result in suspension.



On occasion throughout the school year, your child’s picture may be taken.  Usually the pictures highlight sports, cultural, seasonal, and special events. Sometimes teachers use these photos within the classroom and school in relation to motivation and learning activities.  Pictures may also be displayed through the public media such as a Ministry of Education publication, a school district calendar or booklet, a local newspaper, or on television.  If you have a concern about this practice and you do not want your child’s picture displayed, please notify your school principal as soon as possible.



We ask that all children refrain from bringing electronic devices (DS, IPODS, digital cameras etc.) In the past we have not had a policy prohibiting these devices from school, however we are finding far too many children indulging in these activities rather than being active and socializing during their recess and lunch breaks.  We have also had a few issues with children losing them or having them damaged.  It is for those reasons we are asking you to please leave all electronic devices at home. Thank you for your support.



For safety reasons we realize some parents want their children to have cell phones at school. We are asking children to leave all cell phones in their bags if they are bringing them to school.



When transporting students in a private vehicle, School District #70 Regulations state that use of seat belts is mandatory.  If students are transported, each person must have a seat belt.  In addition, a School Board Policy states that parents or teachers voluntarily transporting pupils to participate in school activities must have a minimum of $1,000,000 liability insurance coverage.   Many insurance agencies are recommending $2,000,000.


Further:  No elementary school age child should be placed in the front passenger seat of a vehicle with an air bag, if the air bag cannot be de-activated.  

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