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Our students have been amazing and have made such bonds with our entire family that return trips to see them in their homes overseas have already occurred and a second return trip is already in the works.  From the students, the experience, right to the communication from the organizers, we do not regret this experience for one second.” – Jeff & Naomie

“It has been our pleasure to host 3 lovely girls from Italy: all in grade 12 over the last two years. The girls work hard on their schoolwork, are always happy to go on an adventure, and are neat and tidy and show great gratitude. We enjoy camping, fishing and many weekend excursions and they enrich our lives with their culture. We are honoured to be a host family for SD 70 Pacific Rim.” – Hanna & Bruce

“Having an international student has been a positive influence on my kids so far. He calls shotgun to get the front seat in the car and is not shy about singing along to Queen when we crank it in the car. I am so glad he was chosen to be with us.” –  Patrick and Natasha

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