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PAC Executive 2023-24

PAC is a volunteer Parent Advisory Committee run by a collective voice of parents.  Every school needs to have an active PAC to receive government grants. PAC provides parents with the opportunity to gather and discuss matters affecting the school and the education of their children.  The money raised through fundraising efforts help offset the costs to parents for things like field trips and pays for fun and entertainment activities within the school. 

Find us on Facebook at Alberni Elementary PAC (please answer questions to be approved) Here is where you will find updated information.  We are always looking for volunteers. 

Email us at anytime at albernipac@gmail.com.

PresidentSkyler Mangelsensmangelsen92@hotmail.com
Vice PresidentLindsay Sharpelindsaysharpe@gmail.com
SecretaryYanny Barney Poilievrebarneypoilievre@yahoo.com
TreasurerBrandy Watsonbrandymay@hotmail.ca
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