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2024 Kindergarten Registration Now Open

2024 Kindergarten Registration Now Open

Children born in 2019 are ready to be registered for the 2024/2025 school year starting on February 1, 2024. 

Student Registrations for the 2024/25 school year will occur in two phases:

Phase 1: Catchment Students

Prior to February 29, 2024, the following students should register at their current catchment area school:
         • children born in 2019 registering for kindergarten
         • children currently attending another SD70 school but intending to enroll in their catchment area school for next September.

It is expected that catchment area children currently attending their catchment school or currently enrolled in French Immersion will continue to attend their current school/program in the following school year. These students do not need to re-register. To determine your catchment area, please use the School Locater at the link shown below. 

Phase 2: Out-of-Catchment Students

As of March 1, 2024, out-of-catchment requests, subject to available space, will be considered only after all catchment area students meeting the February 29th deadline have been accommodated.

Registration forms can be found 
        • online at the link shown below, or 
        • at your neighbourhood catchment school

If registering in person, please bring the following information with you:

1.Your child’s Birth Certificate
2.Your child’s Care Card
3.Proof of address

Registration Forms

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