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PAC Panago Pizza Day: Wednesday September 25th

PAC September Pizza day

Our first PAC Hot Lunch Day is Wednesday September 25th, 2024, and will be Panago Pizza.

The deadline to order is Wednesday September 18th at 9:00 am. Order forms and payment need to be in by this date. Payment can be made in cash or by e-transfer.

•An order form is needed for each child. Please do not combine order forms. Separate order forms per student is needed so that the pizza can be delivered to the proper student and classroom. Attached is a copy of the order form, or you can pick one up at the office.

•E-transfer payments can be made to johnhowittpac@gmail.com and MUST state the students name and teacher in the e-transfer comment. Please return the completed order form to the school as well.

•Any questions please contact the school at (250)723-7521.

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